HPV vaccine

The HPV vaccine provides protection against the human papillomavirus. It is recommended for children aged 12 to 13 and for individuals at high risk of contracting HPV. The HPV vaccine is most effective when given before any sexual activity. It is recommended for individuals at ages 12 to 13 or before 25. However, it can still be effective if taken between the ages of 25 and 45, particularly for those who were not adequately vaccinated earlier or are at high risk.

HPV increases risk of:

1. Cervical cancer
2. ⁠Oral cancer
3. Anal cancer
4. ⁠Penile cancer
5. Vulvar cancer
6. Vaginal cancer
7. ⁠Genital warts

It is best effective when given before the first sexual activity.
It is advisable to take it at 12 to 13 years of age or before 25 years
It is still effective if taken between 25 to 45 years especially who are not vaccinated adequately or who are at high risk.